





While these classes now have already begun, if you want to join a class time and catch up with the audio files, please let us know here.

There are three class times. Once you click to register, as you enter your time zone, scroll all the way to the top, and then enter it. Then you will see the days and times for your class. Please note that if a class time has fewer than five participants enrolled, it may be canceled or changed.

Friday: 2pm UK; 9am EST; 8am CST; 7am MST; 6am PST

Saturday-A: 2pm UK; 9am EST; 8am CST; 7am MST; 6am PST

Saturday-B: 8pm UK; 3pm EST; 2pm CST; 1pm MST; 12pm PST

Classes start on January 29th and 30th, and run for ten weeks. This course is offered for one class time on Fridays and two on Saturdays.


A unique book in the New Testament, Revelation—not Revelations—has baffled many readers, delighted some, and given rise to a legion of end-time theories. Living through the current pandemic and widespread economic hardship, episodes of civil unrest, many Christians believe we are witnessing biblical eschatology unfold in our day. Some just adopt a posture of escapology. Even the leaders of many pseudo-Christian religions have taken their cues from Revelation.

As an artfully crafted apocalypse, Revelation does more than literarily entertain: it instructs, inspires, reinvigorates. Join us for an engaging and information-rich course comprised of ten weeks (see the scheduling note below) of lectures and discussions. In our early meetings, we will get an overview of the book and of some main lines of interpretation. Then we’ll venture through the book, taking it in sections, though not quite a verse-by-verse study. Our goals will be to

The goals of this course are several:

First, to gain a confident understanding of Revelation, what it would have meant to its first recipients, and what it might mean for us today.

Second, to explore various interpretations and appreciate their strengths and weaknesses.

Third, to determine to take on ourselves the virtues illustrated and convictions commended throughout Revelation.

Ultimately, though, the goal of this short course is that we might share God’s affections and aversions, and embody in our lives the grace, truth, and mercy of God.

Special topics and issues addressed throughout the course include:

  • the nature of apocalyptic literature

  • the poetics of biblical prophecy

  • the intertextuality of Revelation

  • the common interpretations of Revelation

  • the relationship of Revelation to the Olivet Discourse

  • the economics of political idolatry

  • the theology of martyrdom

  • the nature of biblical eschatology

  • the ethics of biblical prophecy


Registration is required in advance of the beginning of the course. There are a limited number of screen seats for each class time, though there may be several class times to choose from. The fee for the course is £100. There also is an option to add another person, sharing the same screen, for £50 (a 50% discount).

Note: If classes have already begun and you want to join a class time and catch up with the audio files, please let us know here.

Suggested Materials

(Please note that the links to Amazon below are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase using them, at no additional cost to you, a small portion of the price is given to us, to help support our ministry.)

A Bible, and nearly any translation (NIV, ESV, NKJV, NRSV), just not those that are highly paraphrastic (The Message). I prefer a wide-margin Bible. I use this one, though here is another, and, of course, there are others. A digital version would not be suitable as your main text.

A notebook to write in, though digital note-taking would be suitable.

A set of colored pencils like these. I use this set all the time and very much appreciate the quality and the hard carrying case. And don’t forget a pencil sharpener, like this one; and perhaps a regular pencil, whether wood or mechanical.

Finally, here are suggested commentaries on Revelation. Mind you, many, many more could be listed.


Peterson, Eugene. Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination.

Wright, N.T. Revelation for Everyone.

Different Views

Gregg, Steve. Revelation: Four Views, a Parallel Commentary.

Pate, C. Marvin, ed. Four Views on the Book of Revelation.


Paul, Ian. Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)


Beale, Gregory K. The Book of Revelation: New International Greek Testament Commentary.

Leithart, Peter J. Revelation 1-11. The International Theological Commentary.

Leithart, Peter J. Revelation 12-22. The International Theological Commentary.

There are some excellent specialty studies of Revelation, if you are interested in digging deeper. Some are monographs and others are journal articles or essays. Here are a few you might consider.

Bauckham, Richard. The Theology of the Book of Revelation.

Gorman, Michael. Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness: Following the Lamb into the New Creation.

Equipment Needed

A computer or smartphone with internet access.

We will use Zoom for our meetings.

Your Time Commitment

60-75 minutes for the weekly live classes.

It is suggested that you read through Revelation two or three times a week, or perhaps reading it through at least three times a week at a minimum.

As the study progresses, it is suggested that you invest in a commentary.


One week prior to the start of classes it is recommended that you read Revelation two or three times.

January 29, 30

February 5, 6

February 12, 13

February 19, 20

February 26, 27

March 5, 6

March 12, 13

March 19, 20

March 26, 27

April 2, 3


• Fees paid are non-refundable.

• If a participant cannot attend the weekly live session for whatever reason, a recorded version of the session will be made available.

• The fee paid is for one participant in the course. If other household members desire to participate, using the same computer and video feed, a 50% discount is available for each additional participant sharing the same screen.

• Participants are expected to complete the assignments. If not completed, the value of the course will be diminished. While content learned is of some value, the ability to discover and discern for oneself is of enduring value well beyond the course.

• During the live sessions, participants should mute their mics unless called on or unless, with their hands up, they are acknowledged. This will enable a smoother experience for all participating.

• One final note: while the maximum number of participants is 15, there may be exceptions at times. Also, the minimum number of participants is 5. If fewer than 5 people sign up for any particular class time, the class may be canceled or rescheduled.